The Abbot's Cliff Sound Mirror

This article presents a methodology for safeguarding the Acoustic Heritage of the Abbot's Cliff Sound Mirror in Kent, UK. This concrete structure, built in 1928 as part of an early warning air defense system, is a well-preserved example of pre-Radar technology. In addition to its historical value, the acoustic space of the mirror is also a cultural asset with deep connections to the local community. The mirror's monumental shape, its location, the weather conditions, along with its wartime-related associations, have given rise to a range of artistic and cultural expressions related to silence, solitude, fear, darkness, and deep listening experiences.

These manifestations are extremely relevant for this research as they exemplify the community's relationship with the mirror. To accurately safeguard this acoustic space, the article's authors argue that more than just impulse responses must be considered, with particular attention to simulating the original listening system and source characteristics. In October 2022, The Acoustic Heritage Collective visited the Abbot's Cliff Mirror to conduct a pre-assessment and develop strategies for further acoustic heritage safeguarding through 3D data collection and a design for a virtual application for its public dissemination.